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  • Round One Award Recipients

    Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program


    Welcome to the award recipient page. This page provides information about Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program award recipients, the award totals, and locations for this grant program. The project information is also available via the Awardee Recipient Map which includes additional information. 

    Click below to visit the Awardee Recipient Map.



    The information provided on this BBUSA page is subject to change without notice. If NTIA approves a modification to any award listed here, the details provided on this site will be updated accordingly. While we strive to provide the most up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the timeliness of the information at any given moment.


  • Technical Assistance

    Digital EquityAct Programs



    NTIA has developed a variety of Technical Assistance resources to support grantees in their Digital Equity planning efforts. Here, you will find guidance on best practices for developing Digital Equity Plans, resources to support local coordination efforts, and Frequently Asked Questions about the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program.

    Program Information

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Digital Equity Act Programs

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    Digital Equity Planning Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity

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    Local Coordination

    The following resources are designed to help Eligible Entities meet the local coordination requirements of the Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) and Digital Equity (DE) programs.

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    Digital Equity Concept to Enablement Workshop

    This resource guides digital equity practitioners on discussing digital equity and inclusion as a concept. In this workshop, practitioners will have the terms, strategies, and tools to facilitate a conversation about digital equity to help programs set goals to achieve digital equity outcomes and co-develop the meaning of digital equity and inclusion with their stakeholder groups.

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    Digital Equity Community Outreach and Engagement Enablement Workshop

    This workshop provides guidance to digital equity practitioners on how to convene community stakeholders and have meaningful engagement that will lead to developing strategies to implement digital equity in their states, localities, territories, and communities.

    Digital Equity Resources

    Digital Equity Guide for States screenshot

    Digital Equity Guide for States

    Digital Equity in Tribal Communities

    Digital Equity in Tribal Communities

    Digital Equity Outcomes

    Digital Equity Outcomes

    Library Engagement

    How to Engage with Libraries for SBOs


    Digital Equity Plan Guidance

    Guidance for States/Territories on how to structure and what to include in the Digital Equity Plan to meet the 15 requirements outlined in the NOFO.

    Digital Equity Plan Template

    Optional template to support each State/Territory in capturing notes and developing its Digital Equity Plan. 

    Asset Mapping Guide

    Guidance on how to identify and build upon the eligible entity’s existing resources, networks and strengths to achieving Internet For All. Includes guidance on reaching the right populations, understanding the digital equity ecosystem, and data management.

    BEAD/DE Alignment Guide

     Guidance on how the BEAD and State Digital Equity Plan requirements work together and how to coordinate activities for both programs. 

    Needs Assessment Guide

    Details how to structure a needs assessment and includes examples from across the country.

    Digital Equity Plan External Best Practices

    Provides examples of existing best practices across the country that align to each of the DE Plan requirements.

    Community Preparation for SBO Engagement

    This is a guide for local and community stakeholders looking to contribute to State Digital Equity and BEAD planning efforts.

    Health Equity and Digital Equity

    This resource is intended to help State Broadband Offices and local digital equity programs approach health equity with resources and stories of how States and their partners can improve health outcomes as part of the State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program.

    Technical Assistance: Serving Incarcerated Individuals

    The first in a series on serving the Covered Populations in State Digital Equity Plans, this resource shares effective digital inclusion practices in serving incarcerated individuals.

  • Award Recipients

    Broadband Infrastructure Program


    Welcome to the award recipient page. This page provides information about Broadband Infrastructure Program award recipients, the award totals, and locations for this grant program. The project information is also available via the Awardee Recipient Map which includes additional information. 

    Click below to view more information and visit the Awardee Recipient Map.



  • December Webinar: Rural Broadband and Digital Inclusion Planning Part 1: Gathering Information

    The National Telecommunications and Information Administration's (NTIA) BroadbandUSA team invites you to a webinar on broadband and digital inclusion planning in rural areas. This is the first in a series of webinars about rural planning - future topics will include building partnerships, marketing and outreach, broadband adoption and digital literacy training programs.This webinar will cover how to gather information to best inform your broadband and digital inclusion plan, including asset inventory, survey data, community input and other planning resources.

  • Timeline

    Broadband Equity Access and Deployment


    The Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program Timeline page provides an overview with important dates and milestones related to the program. Whether you're a grantee, a stakeholder, or simply interested in the program's progress, follow along as we mark key milestones, from the program's launch to the announcement of grant recipients and to project completion. 

    Letter of Intent Due

    LOIs must be signed by the Governor or equivalent chief executive of the Eligible Entity and submitted through the NTIA portal by July 18, 2022. Applicants are not required to include a request for planning funds with the LOI, which does not automatically result in the release of planning funds. 
    Key Date: July 18, 2022, by 11:59 p.m. EDT
    An Eligible Entity that receives Initial Planning Funds must submit to the Assistant Secretary a Five-Year Action Plan that establishes the State or Territory’s broadband goals and priorities and serves as a comprehensive needs assessment that will inform the State or Territory’s Initial Proposal. NTIA expects to offer technical assistance with regard to the Five-Year Action Plan and to provide specific feedback in response to each plan submitted, which can facilitate later steps in the BEAD Program’s process.

    Five-Year Action Plan

    Initial Proposal

    Eligible Entities will have 180 days from receipt of the Notice of Available Amounts to develop and submit an Initial Proposal, which will, among other things, describe the competitive process the Eligible Entity proposes to use to select subgrantees to construct broadband projects. Prior to submission to NTIA, the Initial Proposal must be made available for public comment, and the Initial Proposal must incorporate local coordination feedback for the Assistant Secretary’s review.
    Key Date: 180 days to submit after issuance of their Notice of Available Amounts
    After the Eligible Entity has selected subgrantees and otherwise executed its approved Initial Proposal, it will submit to NTIA a Final Proposal describing how it complied with that Initial Proposal and the results of its processes. NTIA will award the remaining funds allocated to the Eligible Entity upon approval of the Eligible Entity’s Final Proposal, and Eligible Entities will initiate their subgrants for the remaining 80 percent of funding and any portion of the original 20 percent that the Eligible Entity has not yet awarded as a subgrant. Prior to submission to NTIA the Final Proposal must be made available for public comment.

    Related Resources: 

    Key Date: No later than twelve (12) months after the date upon which the Assistant Secretary approves the Eligible Entity's Initial Proposal

    Final Proposal and Release of Remaining Funds

    Implementation and Monitoring

    Both Eligible Entities and subgrantees must comply with reporting requirements. 

    Key Dates:

    Eligible Entities:

    • Initial report (within 90 days after receiving any grant funds)
    • Semiannual report (no later than 1 year after receiving grant funds, then semi-annually)
    • Final report (no later than 1 year after all grant funds expended)


    • Semiannual reports describing type of project and/or other eligible activities and duration of the subgrant
  • NTIA Grant Program: Broadband Infrastructure Webinar, Session 1

    On April 28 and 29, staff from NTIA’s BroadbandUSA program presented an overview of the Broadband Infrastructure Program, a $300 million program to encourage partnerships between a state, or one or more political subdivisions of a state, and providers of fixed broadband service to support broadband infrastructure deployment to areas lacking broadband, especially rural areas.

  • NTIA Grant Program: Tribal Broadband Connectivity Webinar, Session 1

    17 million Americans lack access to broadband, including residents on 20.9% of Tribal lands and 17.2% of rural land, and lack of access to and adoption of broadband is the focus of ongoing efforts by the Department of Commerce to aid in the deployment of necessary infrastructure to communities with the greatest need. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is committed to supporting the Biden administration, partner agencies, states, Tribes, and industry to effectively expand broadband access and digital inclusion.