NTIA is committed to increasing broadband Internet access across America, particularly in unserved and underserved communities. BroadbandUSA and NTIA serve federally recognized tribal governments and Hawaiian home lands that seek to expand broadband connectivity and promote digital inclusion through solution-neutral guides and resources, group technical assistance, interagency coordination, and administration of grant programs.
Tribal Consultations
In order to ensure the TBCP is as effective as possible, NTIA is holding virtual government-to-government Tribal Consultation sessions in 2021 and 2022 requesting Tribal Leader input on the implementation of the program and grants. Session agendas are structured based on topics including eligibility, equitable distribution, historic preservation and environmental assessment, unserved areas, reporting requirements, and tribal lands.
- Post-consultation materials:
- Pre-consultation materials:
- Post-consultation materials:
- DE Tribal Consultation Transcript (October 20, 2022) 1-19-2023
- DE Tribal Consultation Transcript (October 18, 2022) 1-19-2023
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Recordings (October 2022) 10-28-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Transcript (September 16, 2022) 10-14-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Transcript (September 14, 2022) 10-14-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Transcript (September 12, 2022) 10-14-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Recordings (September 2022) 10-3-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Transcript (March 18, 2022) 04-22-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Recording (March 18, 2022) 04-22-2022
- NTIA Tribal Consultation Summary Report (January 14, 2022) 08-18-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Transcript (January 14, 2022) 02-25-2022
- IIJA Tribal Consultation Recording (January 14, 2022) 03-01-2022
- Pre-consultation materials:
- Dear Tribal Leader for Digital Equity Act Program Consultation on October 18 and 20, 2022 10-7-2022
- Dear Tribal Leader for IIJA Tribal Consultation on September 12, 14, and 16, 2022 08-18-2022
- Dear Tribal Leader for IIJA Tribal Consultation on March 18, 2022 02-18-2022
- Dear Tribal Leader for IIJA Tribal Consultation on January 14, 2022 12-28-2021 (Amended 01-14-2022 with comment period extension)
- Post-consultation materials:
- NTIA Tribal Consultation Summary Report 08-26-2021
- Consultation Recordings 04-06-2021
- Tribal Consultation Transcript 02-05-2021
- Tribal Consultation Transcript 02-10-2021
- Tribal Consultation Transcript 02-12-2021
- Written Input from Tribal Leaders 04-21-2021
- Pre-consultation materials:
- Dear Tribal Leader Letter from NTIA Associate Administrator 02-02-2021
- Tribal Consultation Agenda 02-02-2021
- Consultation Policy 05-21-2013

Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP)
The CAA appropriated $1 billion for the TBCP. IIJA, which Congress passed with bipartisan support, subsequently appropriated an additional $2 billion in new funding for TBCP, bringing the total amount of funding for the TBCP to $3 billion.5 Of this $3 billion total, and consistent with the CAA and IIJA, NTIA has already approved the use of approximately $2 billion to award applications submitted pursuant to the first TBCP NOFO, released on June 3, 2021.
This second NOFO describes how NTIA will administer the remaining TBCP funds. Grant funds will be made available under this NOFO to eligible Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian entities for broadband deployment on Tribal Lands, digital inclusion efforts (which may include digital equity planning and workforce development), telehealth, and distance learning.
For information about awards made and available resources, visit the TBCP program page.
TBCP Webinar Recordings:
NTIA hosted a series of webinars from April through August 2021 in connection with the three new broadband grant programs authorized and funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, including the TBCP. Please visit BroadbandUSA's Events page in order to register for upcoming webinars.
Recordings, transcripts and presentations from Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program webinars:
- April 21, 2021: Introduction of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
- April 22, 2021: Introduction of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (repeat)
- June 16, 2021: Overview of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
- June 17, 2021: Overview of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (repeat)
- July 21, 2021: Review of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program application process and required forms
- July 22, 2021: Discussion of "hot topics:" workforce development, network sustainability, digital inclusion, technical and financial feasibility aspects of potential projects, the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and permitting.
- August 11, 2021: Open Q&A session on the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
- August 12, 2021: Open Q&A session on the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
- August 23, 2021: Open Q&A session on the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
- August 24, 2021: Open Q&A session on the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
TBCP Post-Award Reporting Walkthrough Recordings:
- Use & Adoption Technical Report Walkthrough
- Use & Adoption Baseline Report Walkthrough
- Infrastructure Deployment Technical Report Walkthrough
- Infrastructure Deployment Baseline Report Walkthrough
TBCP Post-Award Training: Reporting for Planning, Feasibility, and Sustainability Studies Projects:
TBCP Post-Award Training: Reporting for Use and Adoption Projects:
TBCP Post-Award Training: Reporting for Infrastructure Deployment Projects:
Additional Webinars:
NTIA continues to hold webinars around topics beyond the TBCP but relevant to tribal governments:
- June 9, 2022: Internet for All Webinar Series - Tribal Engagement Webinar
- August 23, 2022: Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Office Hours: Tribal Organizations Session 1
- August 25, 2022: Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program Office Hours: Tribal Organizations Session 2
State Engagement
The Tribal Broadband Leaders Network (TBLN) will allow NTIA to receive ongoing feedback on our Tribal grant program, while connecting Tribal leaders across the country to share priorities and best practices, discuss emerging telecommunications policy issues, and identify engagement strategies with state broadband leaders. This forum for Tribal leaders will be essential to improving communication time between Tribes, states, and the federal government.
The TBLN will host monthly meetings with Tribal leaders and those authorized to speak on their behalf. Invitations to join the network were sent to Tribal leaders across the country.
For more information, contact Matt Rogotzke, mrogotzke@ntia.gov.
Mapping Resources
NTIA Resources
BroadbandUSA's Broadband Data and Analytics (Data and Mapping) page provides access to the National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM) and includes data, web maps, and applications covering grant awards from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

Additional Resources
- BroadbandUSA's "one-stop" funding site is updated annually and provides information on how to access federal funding to support broadband planning, public access, digital inclusion, and deployment projects.
- BroadbandUSA provides information regarding Federal Permitting across agencies, including information from the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- BroadbandUSA provides Digital Inclusion publications and resources from Department of Commerce and other federal agencies, including resources relevant to tribal governments looking to address the digital divide.
- BroadbandUSA publishes toolkits for communities seeking to expand broadband access and adoption, including:
- Planning Community Broadband Roadmap: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments
- The Power of Broadband Partnerships: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments
- Sustaining Broadband Networks: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments
- Implementing a Broadband Network Vision: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments
TBCP Sec 106 NHPA Notification:
The FCC and NTIA are currently collaborating on a plan to continue NTIA's access to the FCC's Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS) to meet its Section 106 responsibilities for the new NTIA grant programs. In anticipation of the upcoming project award notifications in the coming months, Tribes are encouraged to have their Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO) review, and, where necessary, update their TCNS contact information and areas of interest by November 30, 2021.

Tribal Broadband Planning Toolkit
BroadbandUSA’s Tribal Broadband Planning Toolkit provides guidance and resources to design, implement, and execute a broadband plan in tribal communities. Designed for interactive use, the toolkit walks users through seven basic, common elements that serve as the building blocks of a tribal broadband plan, each with a dedicated worksheet and a tab in an accompanying, downloadable Excel-based template.
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Team Contact Information
Please send general inquiries to TBCP@ntia.gov

Margaret Gutierrez |
Acting Division Chief |
mgutierrez@ntia.gov | (202) 235-5467 |
Nicholas Courtney |
Pre-Award Team Lead |
ncourtney@ntia.gov | (202) 308-2512 |
Andrew Orosco |
Mapping Team Lead |
aorosco@ntia.gov | (202) 494-4209 |
Christopher Becenti |
Federal Program Officer Western Region |
cbecenti@ntia.gov | (202) 748-4507 |
Crystal Hottowe |
Federal Program Officer Northwest Region |
chottowe@ntia.gov | (202) 557-5708 |
Gabriel Montoya |
Federal Program Officer Navajo Region, Southwest Region |
gmontoya@ntia.gov | (202) 380-6697 |
Isabel Lopez |
Post-Award Team Lead |
ilopez@ntia.gov | (202) 389-2096 |
Jeffrey Kozdron |
Federal Program Officer Easten Region |
jkozdron@ntia.gov | (202) 441-9317 |
Joshua Standing Horse |
Federal Program Officer Alaska Region |
jstandinghorse@ntia.gov | (202) 480-4096 |
Mykah Alverson |
Tribal Broadband Leaders Network Lead |
malverson@ntia.gov | (202) 841-9515 |
Rebecca Seewald |
Federal Program Officer Easten Region |
rseewald@ntia.gov | (202) 308-3395 |
Stephanie Henning |
Federal Program Officer Rocky Mountain Region, Great Plains Region |
shenning@ntiagov | (202) 441-6618 |
Theron Rutyna |
Federal Program Officer Midwest Region |
trutyna@ntia.gov | (202) 595-4395 |
Vanesscia Crescia |
Federal Program Officer Pacific Region |
vcresci@ntia.gov | (202) 313-2737 |