Broadband Infrastructure Program
The Broadband Infrastructure Program is a $288 million broadband deployment program directed to partnerships between a state, or one or more political subdivisions of a state, and providers of fixed broadband service to support broadband infrastructure deployment to areas lacking broadband, especially rural areas.

Notice of Funding Opportunity
NEPA Guidance and Tools
NEPA: Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance Webinar
Download Slide Deck
Permitting and Environmental
Information Application

NBAM Training Series: NTIA Permitting and Environmental Information Application

Technical Assistance
Find information, technical assistance, and documentation to help manage your award.

Award Recipients
See all of the announced award recipients, the award totals, and locations for this grant program.

Program Archive
Need documents from past stages of the program? Visit the program archive for past FAQs, program documentation, and assistance sessions.

Press Releases
Keep up with all of the latest news, events, and updates for this program. Visit the News and Updates page.

Want to know what else has been happening with this program? Visit the program blog for more information, case studies, and other updates.