Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program
Middle mile infrastructure is any broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to an end-user location. The Middle Mile Grant Program provides funding for the expansion and extension of middle mile infrastructure across U.S. states and territories. In total, the program allocated $980 million to fund projects for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure covering more than 370 counties across 40 states and Puerto Rico in Summer 2023. The ultimate purpose of this funding is to expand and strengthen U.S. high-speed Internet networks by reducing the cost of connecting areas that are unserved or underserved to the Internet backbone.

Notice of Funding Opportunity

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Need documents from past stages of the program? Visit the program archive for past FAQs, program documentation, and assistance sessions.
Every State and Territory is Ready to Implement Internet for All
NTIA has reached a major milestone on the road to connecting everyone in America to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service. As of today, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the five territories participating in the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program have approved Internet for All plans.
These plans outline how each state and territory will connect every one of their residents to the Internet.
Connecting Communities, Protecting Wildlife
By: Jill Springer, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth, NTIA
Internet for All Webinar Series: Middle Mile Program 1-Year Anniversary Celebration
September 2024 marks the one-year anniversary of completing award announcements for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. Come join NTIA leadership and the Middle Mile Program team to recognize the work of recipients and their program milestones.
If you would like to request an accommodation to participate in this webinar, please email your request to InternetForAll@ntia.gov by September 13. An NTIA staff member will follow up with you shortly regarding your request.
Demonstrating compliance with the Buy America requirement
Will Arbuckle, Senior Policy Advisor, NTIA