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Why Does Broadband Matter? (PDF)
Broadband is the link that ties your community together and connects it to the world. It doesn’t matter if your community is in an urban center or a remote plain; high-speed Internet access is the tool that will help your community members and institutions thrive.
Wondering whether your community institutions have the baseline speeds that they need for today’s capabilities?
What speed do you need?

The connected community uses high-speed broadband to connect its citizens, businesses and local government to the education, tools and resources that will help them thrive in today’s digital world.
BroadbandUSA: Broadband Glossary (PDF)
BroadbandUSA has compiled fundamental abbreviations, acronyms and technical terms associated with broadband. While not an exhaustive list, this glossary will assist you with understanding some of the terms used in discussions of expanding broadband capacity and promoting broadband adoption.

About BroadbandUSA: Connecting America's Communities (PDF)
NTIA's BroadbandUSA program promotes innovation and economic growth by supporting efforts to expand broadband access and meaningful use across America. In this role, BroadbandUSA serves communities, industry and non-profits that want to expand broadband infrastructure and promote digital inclusion.

BroadbandUSA: Introduction to Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PDF)
This publication provides an overview of common broadband partnerships, the factors communities should consider in developing a successful partnership model, and tips and best practices NTIA has observed through its oversight of $4.5 billion in broadband grants to public, private and joint projects across the country.
BroadbandUSA: Introduction to Stakeholder Outreach (PDF)
To help communities and organizations launch successful broadband projects and generate support from potential users, we created a new toolkit with insights into elective stakeholder outreach gleaned from NTIA’s broadband work over the last seven years. The “Introduction to Stakeholder Outreach” details tools and proven best practices to help communities generate support for broadband projects and share the importance of broadband with key stakeholders.
NTIA Broadband Adoption Toolkit 2013 (PDF)
In May 2013 NTIA released a Broadband Adoption Toolkit based on the field-tested practices of recipients from the Sustainable Broadband Adoption and Public Computer Center grant categories. The Toolkit is a guide to planning and carrying out elective adoption programs with a wide variety of audiences, including youth, low-income, and seniors. It includes chapters on planning a new program, designing outreach and communications activities, setting up training classes, and choosing engaging curriculum. It also has links to detailed examples, tools, and videos that can save time and resources for program developers.
Using Partnerships to Power a Smart City: A Toolkit for Local Communities (PDF)
This Toolkit is for government officials, urban planners, citizen groups, and others who want to implement successful smart cities projects. Drawing from lessons learned, it provides a framework for getting the most out of public-private partnerships, including what to look for in a partner, assessing each partner’s contribution, and guidance on how to structure the most fruitful partnership agreements.
BroadbandUSA: Smart Communities Glossary (PDF)
BroadbandUSA has compiled a glossary of terms related to smart communities and the deployment of infrastructure necessary to support them. A smart community uses different types of information and communications technology to solve local problems, manage resources efficiently and create livable spaces. This list is not exhaustive because the technology and applications are constantly evolving.

Costs at-a-Glance: Fiber and Wireless Networks (PDF)
BroadbandUSA collected information about network construction expenses to increase awareness of the costs associated with deploying a broadband network. This information can help project leaders engage with providers and network operators in their area.
Most common types of network deployments

Planning a Community Broadband Roadmap: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments (PDF)
This toolkit provides advice on developing a Community Broadband Roadmap for building broadband networks, enhancing public computer centers, expanding broadband to unserved areas, encouraging public-private partnerships and promoting broadband connectivity to homes, businesses and institutions. The goal of this publication is to help communities expand broadband access locally to create jobs, improve educational opportunities, promote economic development, spur private investment and facilitate the delivery of essential social services to their citizens.
The Power of Broadband Partnership: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments (PDF)
This Toolkit provides an overview of common broadband partnership models and identifies several factors that communities should consider when developing a successful partnership. The goal of this Toolkit is to equip communities with the know-how to implement their broadband projects with partners who can provide resources and expertise to ensure success and complements the Planning a Community Broadband Roadmap toolkit.
Implementing a Broadband Network Vision: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments (PDF)
This toolkit builds on NTIA’s previous guidance on plotting a broadband roadmap and examines how that work can inform a broadband implementation strategy. It includes a nine-step process that outlines how to implement broadband networks from conception to operation.
Sustaining Broadband Networks: A Toolkit for Local and Tribal Governments (PDF)
This toolkit presents an action plan to maintain and sustain a broadband network. This guide contains best practices and lessons learned from broadband programs. The is meant to help both local governments who entered into public-private partnerships and ISPs ensure that those networks are sustainable.

The Digital Generation’s Classroom (PDF)
Broadband has transformed classrooms into spaces for unprecedented levels of teacher-student interaction, collaboration between peers, and individualized instruction.

Location Independent
Broadband enriches the overall learning experience. Video chatting technology, projection devices and high-bandwidth networks let students experience museums, historical sites and cultural experiences—all without leaving the classroom or home.
America's Libraries: Connectivity that Transforms (PDF)
Libraries empower individuals and communities to thrive in today’s economy. Modern libraries are dynamic community hubs that oer free access to computers and the Internet, digital literacy training, digital collections, and services that range from GED prep to 3D printing and videoconferencing.
Digital Inclusion Guide: Connectivity with a Purpose (PDF)
Digital inclusion implies that individuals have access to robust broadband connections; Internet-enabled devices that meet their needs; and the skills to explore, create and succeed in the digital world. BroadbandUSA developed this resource to help leaders consider factors that could impact or influence their digital inclusion efforts.