Digital Inclusion Resources
The Office of Regional Operations (ORO) compiled this document in response to the pressing need for connectivity, devices, internet access and technical assistance so that more families have access to digital resources. However, it is not intended to be a comprehensive resource. Funding streams and opportunities from several federal agencies are highlighted, as well as information to learn more about digital inclusion such as policy and data briefs from both federal agencies and external organizations.
As a first step in adopting virtual case management approaches, this document lays out technology and practice considerations, as well as resources. Much of the information compiled is drawn from health care services, which has made considerable progress over the past decade in telehealth. While health services differ in many ways from human services, telehealth services can provide useful lessons and resources.
This factsheet presents estimates of access to internet services for low-income families, as well as differences by demographic characteristics and geography.
This information about available streams of funding for human services providers, educational institutions, and individuals and families to access broadband and devices has been compiled in response to the pressing need for connectivity and internet access in these times.
A publication providing financial institutions an understanding of broadband’s integral role in community development and how it meets the “primary purpose” definition of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA); a road map of best practices for closing the digital divide, along with references and examples; a list of tips for preparing the case for digital opportunity investments, along with a template for making such a case; and appendixes of broadband resources for understanding needs and opportunities in assessment areas.
Chapter by the Dallas Fed from Investing in America’s Workforce: Improving Outcomes for Worker and Employers exploring how digital inclusion increases access to jobs and opportunity, covering workforce development, the education and homework gap, digital skills gap, and the impact of an expanding digital economy on workers across sectors.
A report highlighting the aspects of the digital divide that limit the application of telehealth in underserved areas, as well as five case studies that demonstrate how telehealth is being used effectively and creatively to decrease costs and increase efficiencies in the delivery of health care.
A report providing a summary of lessons learned after the Kansas City Fed launched a project in early 2018 to outline issues of the digital divide and identify innovative approaches that communities were taking to narrow it. Findings are organized by seven key themes that emerged
throughout the study. Each theme combines relevant research and statistics, and examples of how the issue plays out in communities.
throughout the study. Each theme combines relevant research and statistics, and examples of how the issue plays out in communities.
A case study serving as a complement to the publication, “Closing the Digital Divide: A Framework for Meeting CRA Obligations.” Together the framework and the case study provide a practical and instructional guide for financial institutions, community organizations, municipalities,
and others who are interested in understanding how broadband and digital access are essential to communities and the role of the Community Reinvestment Act.
and others who are interested in understanding how broadband and digital access are essential to communities and the role of the Community Reinvestment Act.
A research brief exploring disparities in labor market attachment based on broadband access across Philadelphia neighborhoods, in the interest of informing a digital inclusion strategy that will ensure the resilience of the local economy and economic well-being of city residents.