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November 2019 Webinar: Building Digital Workforce Skills at the Local Level

A digitally skilled workforce is essential for the economic development of our nation’s communities. Companies of all sizes need employees that understand technology, whether it’s on the business or operational side of the organization. Join BroadbandUSA to hear how local leaders are building partnerships between governments, businesses, nonprofits and education to help residents attain the skills needed to thrive in a digital economy.


September 2019 Webinar: Measuring the Economic Impact of Broadband

The digital economy accounted for 6.9 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product, or $1.35 trillion, according to a recent survey by the Department of Commerce. Understanding how to measure and communicate the benefits of broadband is critical to building support for efforts to expand connectivity and use. Join BroadbandUSA and leading U.S. researchers to discuss their research into the economic impact of broadband deployment and adoption in the United States.


NTIA Partners with Local Leaders to Roll-out Broadband Workshops in Six States


NTIA is working with local leaders to offer rural broadband workshops across the country.  Workshops are planned in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Wyoming, Mississippi, and New Mexico. The programs are designed for local broadband stakeholders to learn about digital applications, broadband solutions, and federal and state grant and loan programs. The workshops will focus on local resources, tools, and action plans.

Webinar: Building Smart Cities and Communities at the Regional Level

BroadbandUSA’s June 19, 2019, webinar discussed initiatives to develop smart cities and communities aimed at increasing the quality of life for all residents. Speakers from the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), the Tahoe Transportation District and the Greater Washington Board of Trade gave presentations on projects in their jurisdictions.

2019 Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge Expo

In 2019, Global City Teams Challenge brings you the Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (GCTC/SC3) Expo, co-hosted by NIST, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T), and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). GCTC/SC3 will bring together hundreds of municipal governments and technology innovators around the world who have established teams to address shared issues faced by cities and communities.

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