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BroadbandUSA Newsletter March 2017

Vol 2 | Issue 3 | March 2017

Federal Funding Essentials Funding for broadband projects, including planning, deployment and adoption, is available through a number of federal government agencies. Many communities require additional funding to achieve their broadband goals and demand often surpasses what is available. To ensure that federal programs are serving the recipients with the highest need, federal agencies closely examine applications to ensure they meet program goals. In order to present the best case for funding, applications for projects should be well-planned, broadly supported and likely to succeed. BroadbandUSA suggests these steps to submit successful applications:

  1. Evaluate the purpose of the program. Ensure your project goals match the goals of the federal program. Demonstrate how your programmatic mission and objectives align with the funding opportunity.

  2. Assess the potential restrictions on funding. One grant may not meet all of your programmatic needs. Consider the components of each program separately, as it is possible your project may qualify for multiple funding opportunities.

  3. Consider rules for eligibility. Carefully review the eligibility requirements for each federal grant program to ensure you are qualified to receive funding. Clearly articulate how you meet these requirements in your application.

Is your community interested in exploring federal funding options for broadband-related projects? Attend our BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations: Overview of Federal Funding for Your Broadband Needs webinar on March 15 from 2-3:00 p.m. or contact us at and 202-482-2048 to work with our experts today.

Broadband News

New Broadband Resource BroadbandUSA released Why Does Broadband Matter? to help local government officials, urban planners, citizen groups and others understand the importance of broadband for their communities. The infographic illustrates the benefits of connectivity to education, local business, public safety and other community pillars. Click here to access the new resource.

BroadbandUSA Spotlight On February 14, BroadbandUSA's Aimee Meacham, Laura Spining and Scott Woods participated on the "Building Better Regions: Broadband Planning & Funding" panel discussion at NARC's National Conference of Regions in Washington, D.C. The experts shared insight on planning and implementing successful broadband projects and answered questions regarding best practices for engaging stakeholders and identifying funding options. The panel was one of several conference events addressing key policy issues facing city, council and state government officials.

BroadbandUSA Webinar Series Topic: BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations: Overview of Federal Funding For Your Broadband Needs Date: Wednesday, March 15 from 2:00-3:00 p.m., Eastern Time Overview: The webinar will provide an overview of the federal programs that provide funding for broadband planning, infrastructure deployment, research, public computer access and digital literacy. Whether you are in the beginning stages of your planning process or starting to build your broadband network infrastructure, BroadbandUSA will help guide you to the appropriate federal programs for your needs and identify the necessary processes to apply for funding.

New Assessment Tool Release 1 of the BroadbandUSA Connectivity Initiative Assessment Tool will be available in May 2017 to nearly 20 county planning teams who will have the opportunity to use the tool to support planning efforts, leverage national data and produce planning and resource recommendations. After incorporating feedback from Release 1 users, we anticipate adding additional users in the fall.

Events NTIA Events Events of Interest

March 9, 2017
International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Midwest Regional Summit ICMA is hosting its annual Midwest regional summit in Elk Grove, IL. Click here to learn more.

March 11-16, 2017
National League of Cities (NLC) Congressional City Conference NLC is hosting its annual federal advocacy conference in Washington, D.C. Click here to learn more.

March 12-15 2017
Western Telecommunications Alliance (WTA), Advocates for Rural Broadband Spring Meeting WTA is hosting its annual spring meeting in Hilton Head, SC. Click here to learn more.

March 20, 2017
National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Washington Policy Conference NADO is hosting its annual Washington policy conference in Arlington, VA. Click here to learn more.

March 23, 2017
International City/County Management Association (ICMA) West Coast Regional Summit ICMA is hosting its annual West Coast regional summit in Burlingame, CA. Click here to learn more.

March 26-28, 2017
NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association Legislative & Policy Conference NTCA: The Rural Broadband Association is hosting its legislative conference in Washington, DC. Click here to learn more.

Policy Corner The FCC Broadcast Incentive Auction enters its final round of bidding on March 6 and concludes on March 30.

Contact Us If you’re interested in receiving technical assistance, email us at or call us at 202-482-2048.