Demonstrating compliance with the Buy America requirement
Will Arbuckle, Senior Policy Advisor, NTIA
Middle mile infrastructure is any broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to an end-user location. It is the "interstate highways of the Internet, carrying large amounts of data at high speeds to connect entire communities," as Assistant Secretary Davidson says.
The Middle Mile Grant Program provides funding for the expansion and extension of middle mile infrastructure across U.S. states and territories. In total, the program allocated $980 million to fund projects for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure covering more than 370 counties across 40 states and Puerto Rico in Summer 2023. The ultimate purpose of this funding is to expand and strengthen U.S. high-speed Internet networks by reducing the cost of connecting areas that are unserved or underserved to the Internet backbone.
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Will Arbuckle, Senior Policy Advisor, NTIA
Sarah Bleau, Director of the Middle Mile Program, NTIA
Across six Internet for All grant programs, NTIA is already funding hundreds of individual projects, with hundreds more to come. A new type of data dashboard shows how the public can monitor the progress of construction and implementation related to projects in their area.
By: Sarah Salgado, Broadband Program Specialist, Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth
Generations before us built infrastructure such as electricity, water, and sewer systems to serve everyone in America. Now, it is our generation’s turn to connect everyone in America to the tools they need to thrive in the modern digital economy through reliable, affordable, high-speed Internet service. Achieving this ambitious goal requires the development of middle mile infrastructure.
The Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program provides funding for the expansion and extension of middle mile infrastructure across U.S. states and territories. In total, the program allocated $980 million to fund projects for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure covering more than 370 counties across 40 states and Puerto Rico in Summer 2023. The ultimate purpose of this funding is to expand and strengthen U.S. high-speed Internet networks by reducing the cost of connecting areas that are unserved or underserved to the Internet backbone.
With the September 30, 2022, application deadline for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program just days away, it’s time for NTIA’s third and final post in our “Scoring Big” series. Our aim is to help applicants submit complete, informed, and high-quality applications.
Who Are Middle Mile Providers?