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Internet For All Webinar Series - Back to School: How Libraries and Schools are Partnering on Digital Equity for Students

Libraries and schools often form partnerships to creatively address their local “homework gap,” or barriers that some students face to complete online schoolwork without reliable access to high-speed internet. This webinar will feature real world examples of how these community anchor institutions work together to provide students with access to hotspots and devices. It will also cover how they are empowering students with the knowledge and skills needed to complete online assignments, as well as the utilize the wealth of information and educational resources available on the internet.

ConnectingUS: Federal programs boost budget for high-speed Internet service

By Margaret Harding McGill, NTIA

Robyn Johnson found out the hard way just how little her Internet bandwidth could carry when COVID-19 struck.

Her bandwidth hit its limit when her high school and elementary school-aged children tried to attend classes online while she instructed classes of her own as a fourth-grade teacher at the Eagle Butte, South Dakota elementary school on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reservation.

ConnectingUS: A signal in the mesas

by Margaret McGill

Gabriel Tahy lives in the middle of Navajo Nation – surrounded by mesas and close to the family members who help him learn more about Navajo culture and traditions.

But living on the reservation has meant sacrificing connectivity to the Internet.

When you’re on the Rez, a lot of things become less convenient – one of the things is cell phone reception and 5G service,” said Tahy, 33, who lives on Navajo Nation land near the border between Arizona and New Mexico. “But it’s home.”

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