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July 2018 Webinar: Statewide Strategies for Rural Digital Inclusion

This webinar focused on statewide strategies to promote broadband adoption and use in rural communities.  Speakers highlighted the role of state governments, libraries and university extension programs in planning and executing these strategies. The speakers also discussed the role of broadband adoption in rural economic and workforce development, as well as approaches to facilitate broadband use and improve digital skills.


Arizona Technical Assistance Workshop 2017

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration, through its BroadbandUSA program, is holding an in-depth technical assistance workshop on broadband planning and funding in Mesa, Ariz., on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Broadband is a critical driver for American prosperity and economic growth. As a result, state and local governments are seeking ways to expand broadband access and digital inclusion to improve economic growth, workforce development, education outcomes, and healthcare in their communities.

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West Virginia Technical Assistance Workshop 2017

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s BroadbandUSA program is holding an in-depth Technical Assistance Workshop on broadband planning and funding in Charleston, West Virginia on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. Broadband is a critical driver of American prosperity and economic growth. As a result, state and local governments are seeking ways to expand broadband access and digital inclusion to improve workforce development, education outcomes, and healthcare in their communities.

Accelerating Innovation and Economic Development - Mississippi

Is your community up to speed on broadband Internet? The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce invites you to join us in Jackson, Mississippi for an interactive regional broadband workshop. We will feature successful community broadband projects from across the Gulf Region and explore ways to continue building local broadband adoption and capacity.

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