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Economic and Workforce Development

Case Study: Verizon and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Training Program

As the Internet continues to become more relevant and essential to our daily lives, it’s increasingly critical to ensure that telecommunications infrastructure is reliable, secure, and capable of meeting the demand. Paired with the rapid pace of technological advancement and the digital transformation of more and more industries and sectors, the world is facing a pressing need for a skilled workforce who can meet the demands of the 21st century economy.

That’s where workforce development comes in.

Case Study: Bossier Parish Community College | Fiber Optic Technician Bootcamp in Bossier Camp, Louisiana

As the Internet continues to become more relevant and essential to our daily lives, it’s increasingly critical to ensure that telecommunications infrastructure is reliable, secure, and capable of meeting the demand. Paired with the rapid pace of technological advancement and the digital transformation of more and more industries and sectors, the world is facing a pressing need for a skilled workforce who can meet the demands of the 21st century economy.

That’s where workforce development comes in.

Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives (OMBI) Webinar: Digital Skills and Workforce Development

The NTIA Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives (OMBI) plays an important role in the Internet For All initiative by promoting equitable high-speed Internet access and adoption at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and in their surrounding anchor communities. OMBI’s guiding vision is to achieve digital equity for minority communities across the United States.

NTIA Public Virtual Listening Session: Digital Equity Request For Comment (Option 4)

Please join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the last of four virtual listening session on the Digital Equity Act Request for Comment. These listening sessions are designed to collect stakeholder input to help inform the development and administration of the State Digital Equity Capacity and State Digital Equity Competitive grant programs. The focus of this listening session will be the State Digital Equity Competitive grant program.

Auto-captioning will be provided during this listening session.

NTIA Public Virtual Listening Session: Digital Equity Request For Comment (Option 3)

Please join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the third of four virtual listening session on the Digital Equity Act Request for Comment. These listening sessions are designed to collect stakeholder input to help inform the development and administration of the State Digital Equity Capacity and State Digital Equity Competitive grant programs. The focus of this listening session will be measuring for success and transformative impact.

Auto-captioning will be provided during this listening session.

NTIA Public Virtual Listening Session: Digital Equity Request For Comment (Option 2)

Please join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the second of four virtual listening session on the Digital Equity Act Request for Comment. These listening sessions are designed to collect stakeholder input to help inform the development and administration of the State Digital Equity Capacity and State Digital Equity Competitive grant programs. The focus of this listening session will be assessing digital equity plans, ensuring equity in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, and workforce/subcontracting opportunities.

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