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Digital Skills Training

The Impact of Women Breaking Digital Access Barriers

By: Maci Morin and Michell Morton, Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth

In today's digital world, access to technology and the Internet enables boundless opportunities.  Now more than ever, women and girls are seizing these opportunities to smash barriers and soar to new heights. 

For women and girls, achieving digital equity is more than gaining access to the devices and connectivity that empower them – it is also about safeguarding their journey. 

For the First Time, All States will have a Plan to Address Digital Equity

By Angela Thi Bennett, Director of Digital Equity, NTIA

Today, all 50 States, D.C., and Puerto Rico have submitted their Digital Equity Plans to NTIA for acceptance. This is a milestone moment in closing the digital divide. For the first time in our nation’s history, each state will have a plan to connect communities with the resources they need to achieve digital equity. That’s never been true before, and it’s an exciting indicator of how far we’ve come as a nation in acknowledging and addressing this challenge. 

Stories from NTIA’s Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives and the Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program

The Connecting Minority Communities Pilot (CMC) Program is a $268 million grant program to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) for the purchase of broadband internet access service and eligible equipment or to hire and train information technology personnel.

Cloud Service Adoption 101 - What You Need to Know

Every time you access your email, join a video conference call or back up the photos on your smartphone, you rely on cloud computing. The cloud delivers computing resources over the Internet, such as storage, software, and services, creating a complex supply chain requiring extensive security protocols. This webinar will provide an overview of cloud service adoption and make you aware of the security and privacy challenges pertinent to public cloud computing.

Internet For All Webinar Series - Back to School: How Libraries and Schools are Partnering on Digital Equity for Students

Libraries and schools often form partnerships to creatively address their local “homework gap,” or barriers that some students face to complete online schoolwork without reliable access to high-speed internet. This webinar will feature real world examples of how these community anchor institutions work together to provide students with access to hotspots and devices. It will also cover how they are empowering students with the knowledge and skills needed to complete online assignments, as well as the utilize the wealth of information and educational resources available on the internet.

Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives (OMBI) Webinar: Digital Skills and Workforce Development

The NTIA Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives (OMBI) plays an important role in the Internet For All initiative by promoting equitable high-speed Internet access and adoption at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and in their surrounding anchor communities. OMBI’s guiding vision is to achieve digital equity for minority communities across the United States.

NTIA Public Virtual Listening Session: Digital Equity Request For Comment (Option 4)

Please join the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) for the last of four virtual listening session on the Digital Equity Act Request for Comment. These listening sessions are designed to collect stakeholder input to help inform the development and administration of the State Digital Equity Capacity and State Digital Equity Competitive grant programs. The focus of this listening session will be the State Digital Equity Competitive grant program.

Auto-captioning will be provided during this listening session.

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