Broadband Infrastructure Deployment
Readout of the NTIA OMBI Roundtable on Workforce Readiness and Talent Pathways
Dr. Dominique Harrison, Director, Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives
Francella Ochillo, Director, Office of Public Engagement
Connecting every resident to affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service requires a strong telecommunications workforce. Creating a talent pipeline for long-term broadband infrastructure needs depends on coordination across government, Internet service providers (ISPs), institutions of higher education (IHEs), workforce development practitioners, and public interest advocates.
Final Guidance for BEAD Funding of Alternative Broadband Technology
Today, NTIA released guidance to clarify how states can use broadband funding to deploy technologies like Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite and unlicensed fixed wireless.
With All Funds Obligated, NTIA Takes Additional Steps to Accelerate BEAD Construction
As of last week, the federal government has obligated all $42.45 billion in BEAD funding to states and territories (the “Eligible Entities”). This means that, subject to the terms and conditions of their awards, Eligible Entities can access their BEAD allocation to connect every resident to affordable, reliable high-speed Internet service. With all 56 Eligible Entities having now reached this critical milestone, we know that grantees are eager to begin deployment of new high-speed Internet networks.