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Department of Education-American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) Program

Federal Agency/Bureau
Department of Education
Program Name
American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) Program
Authorizing Legislation

Section 121 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and implemented by the subsequent program regulations at 34 C.F.R. part 371.

Program Overview

The purpose of this program is to provide vocational rehabilitation services, including culturally appropriate services, to American Indians with disabilities residing on or near Federal or State reservations, consistent with such eligible individuals’ strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and informed choice, so that such individuals may prepare for, and engage in, high quality employment that will increase opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.



Type of Funding


Link to application site, NOFO, FOA, or (if different from program website above)

Not Applicable 

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) or Federal Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Type


Important Dates (if applicable)

Not Applicable 

FY2023 Appropriations Amount

Total Amount:$50,650,000.00

Amount Available Towards Broadband (if specified): Not Applicable 

Matching Requirement


Complementary Federal Funding Option

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, includes the requirement for collaboration between Tribal and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) programs. Section 101(a)(11)(H) of the Act requires State VR agencies to enter into formal cooperative agreements with each grant recipient in the State. The agreement must describe strategies for collaboration and coordination in providing VR services to American Indians who are individuals with disabilities.

Broadband-related Program Purpose/Eligible Expenditures
Speed/Technical Requirement for Broadband Infrastructure

Not Applicable 

Criteria for Eligible Recipients

Applications may be made only by Indian Tribes (and consortia of those Indian Tribes) located on or near Federal and State reservations.

Grant Beneficiaries (if different from eligible recipients)

Not Applicable 

Programmatic Resources

The American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Training and Technical Assistance Center (AIVRTTAC) provides support to the AIVRS program directors and staff Home - AIVRTTAC+TVR Institute

Reporting Requirements

As required by the Department’s Discretionary Grants Handbook:
Annual and Final Performance Reports

Publicly-available programmatic data

Not Applicable 

Contact Information

Additional Information

Not Applicable 


April 2023 

Funding Guide