Vol 5 | Issue 8 | August 2020
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Policy Corner: NTIA’s National Broadband Availability Map Hits New Milestones
By Doug Kinkoph, Associate Administrator performing the delegated duties of the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
I am excited to report on the continued growth of our National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM). As it currently stands, 22 states are partnering with NTIA to bring extensive data visualization and analytics tools to bare in the fight to fill in the digital divide. Indiana, Georgia, Wyoming, and Washington State join the other 18 participating states that have announced since the launch of the NBAM. The NBAM combines federal, state, and private data to better inform broadband projects and funding decisions. To learn more about the project and to see if your state is among those participating, visit the NBAM page on our BroadbandUSA website.
Broadband News and Updates
Federal News
USDA: Trump Administration Invests $86 Million in Rural Broadband Service in Eight States
Interior: 2020 National Tribal Broadband Virtual Summit September 21-25 Pre-Registration is Now Open
Call For Presentations for Creative Connections Tribal Summit
Branch of Geospatial Support Update
State News
Alaska: Alaska Communications Broadband Expansion is State’s Largest, Thanks in Part to CAF II
Idaho:Idaho Commerce Announces Broadband Grant Review Committee
Iowa:Notice of Funding Availability #003 - Federally-Funded Opportunity
Maine:Mainers Vote Overwhelmingly Approve Broadband, Transportation Bonds
Missouri:Missouri Announces $50 Million Program for Broadband Expansion, Including Telehealth
New Jersey:Governor Murphy Unveils Plan to Address Digital Divide Ahead of 2020-2021 School Year
New York: Niagara, Orleans Counties Expanding Wi-Fi Hotspots
Ohio: Ohio Advances Plan for First State Broadband Grant Program
Pennsylvania:Rural Broadband Tops Pennsylvania Legislative Agenda
South Dakota:South Dakota Gains Ground on Better Broadband
Washington:$18 Million Available to Bring Broadband to Unserved Washington Communities
Wisconsin:Gov. Evers Signs Executive Order Creating Task Force on Broadband Access
Digital Inclusion
Pennsylvania County Uses Federal COVID Funding for Broadband
Schools Get $50 Million More in Emergency Funding to Help Close ‘Digital Divide’
Broadband Authority Announces Phased Countywide Connection Plan
Public Safety/FirstNet
The First Responder Network Authority Technology Domain: User Experience
How Peer-to-Peer Texting Could Play a Role in Disaster and Pandemic Response
The FirstNet Network Expands Across New Jersey, Advances Public Safety Communications Capabilities
General News
The Digital Divide and the Pandemic: Working from Home and Broadband and Internet Access
Senators Move to Boost State and Local Cybersecurity As Part of Annual Defense Bill
Facebook Built a New Fiber-Spinning Robot to Make Internet Service Cheaper
NASCIO Renews Call for IT and Cybersecurity Aid to States in Pandemic Relief Bill
NTIA Events
BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar Series
BroadbandUSA will not be hosting a webinar in August. The next webinar will be on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 2 pm ET. Stay tuned for more information!
Visit our Webinar Archives for past presentations, transcripts and audio recordings.
Contact Us. If you are interested in receiving technical assistance, please email broadbandusa@ntia.gov or call 202-482-2048. For more information, visit our website at broadbandusa.ntia.gov.