State Digital Equity Planning Grant
State Digital Equity Planning Grant
The State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program supports the creation of community-centric solutions. It provides resources to community organizations to help scale digital literacy programs. These programs give people the skills they need to effectively use the Internet. We're looking for projects that promote meaningful adoption and use of high-speed Internet service. Projects should aim to help the following groups:
- Low-income households
- Aging populations
- Incarcerated individuals
- Veterans
- People with disabilities
- People with language barriers
- Racial and ethnic minorities
- Rural inhabitants
Projects will be used to share best practices and show successful models of state-community partnerships.
Download the program info sheet (English | Español)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Digital Equity Act Programs

Digital Equity Planning Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity
Digital Equity Planning Grant Closeout Information
Information for eligible entities on DE Planning Closeout Requirements.
Digital Equity Plan Guidance
Guidance for States/Territories on how to structure and what to include in the Digital Equity Plan to meet the 15 requirements outlined in the NOFO.
Digital Equity Plan Template
Optional template to support each State/Territory in capturing notes and developing its Digital Equity Plan.
Digital Equity Model Plan Guidance
This resource provides guidance on the requirements for the State Digital Equity Plan and guidance on how to create a Digital Equity Plan that goes beyond compliance.
Soliciting Public Comments
A guide for States on posting Digital Equity Plans for public comment.